Review of Blind

Blind (I) (2016)
Haters gonna hate but don't let them scare you off.
22 June 2018
Blind is a great little film that harkens back to the type of romance movies Hollywood pumped out back in the 1940s. The biggest difference being that Blind is only a romance film on the surface. At its core, Blind is a character study about two people who have had their lives turned upside down and only by opening up to one another are they able to start healing.

Blind is far from perfect but I don't think the writer and director were aiming for perfection. I certainly wasn't expecting a broad, sweeping epic. I adjusted my expectations at the start and sat back to learn about these characters and the growth they experience.

Blind was made on a limited budget but all the money is up on the screen. I think it's a sad state of affairs that there are hungry writers and directors who could have made a dozen films like Blind on what the studio spends to make a single Iron Man or Avengers movie.

If you're willing to meet it halfway, you may wind up liking Blind as much as I did.

See you at the movies.
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