I mean...it's not the WORST movie ever.
14 June 2018
Personally, this movie could have been better. I went in with high expectations, which made it more of a disappointment. So, basically, Max (Anton Yelchin) is now dating this girl that he just moved in with, Evelyn (Ashley Greene). The relationship is dysfunctional, and so Max seeks help from his half-brother, Travis (Oliver Cooper), to break up with her. She dies, and when Max starts dating a new girl, Olivia (Alexandra Daddario), Evelyn comes back from the grave and still wants to date him.

That's the gist of it. It's supposedly a comedy horror, but it doesn't really succeed at either of those. We'll talk about the horror first. It's not scary. It's not Gorey, either. There's one scene that has a lot of gore, and could be considered scary, but even THAT was tame. There are a lot of references sprinkled throughout for true horror lovers, but that's really it.

The comedy was...terrible. Hardly any of the jokes were actually funny, and only a few were chuckle worthy purely for the shock value. It's continuously thrown in our faces that Travis is Max's half brother, and just that fact seems to be the joke, but like, it held nothing to the plot at all. I'm pretty sure they only did that to make one lame joke at the very beginning. Ashley Greene's character is the only slightly funny thing in this movie, and even then, she fails. Basically the joke is "Ohh look! I'm DED and I want to have SEX with u!!11 Sex is hilarious, right?" And, that's about as far as the humor goes. They kept trying to push Max into these awkward situations, but I couldn't laugh about it at all, cause I didn't care about him. All of the characters are boring, cliches with even less depth than a peice of paper. Travis is the slob who thinks sex is funny, Max is a spineless, timid, pathetic human being, etc

The acting isn't the best either. Not the worst ever, but I was cringing pretty bad at a few parts. However, for the type of movie this is, the effects were actually pretty good.

I don't want to go on forever, so that's all I'll be saying about it. It's not the worst move I've ever seen, but it's not the best either. There was definately room for improvement. It was entertaining enough, and I did chuckle a few times, even if it was from the effects or the attempts at humor. If you have nothing else to watch, I'd recommend maybe giving this a shot, but don't expect anything phenomenal.
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