Bad Asses on the Bayou (2015 Video)
Whew! Should Have Been Called Bad Acting
4 June 2018
I was not aware there were three of these movies so I watched this one first. I laughed at how insane and unbelievable the action and acting was. Then I went and watched Bad Ass. Now I really hate this second sequel.

Danny Glover is way past his action days as Roger Murtaugh. The fight scenes are painful to watch as neither Danny Trejo or Glover are in any physical condition to pull off these stunts. The bank fight scene is a prime example. They are so slow in their movements, I could have taken a pee break in the time it took Glover to throw a punch. The plot is silly and I knew the twist almost immediately because it was so poorly disguised.

Having now seen Bad Ass and how great it was and how perfect Trejo was for the character, it disappoints me so much that they tried to turn this into some kind of Lethal Weapon for geriatrics. Maybe they should have called it Geritol Weapon. I can't believe the same director did all three.

Skip the sequels and just watch Bad Ass. Its so much superior to this movie. They really screwed the pooch on this one.
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