A half-baked story backed up with a Mozart's light opera
3 May 2018
I don't know if this film was originally in black and white, then used the modern color tech to touch up the whole film with one dimensional colors, because the colors we saw in this film just looked poorly primitive and unnatural or, it's just because of the old film turned bad, so the colors were all faded with a weird tint allover.

The storyline felt pretty awkward, the arrangement and the process of the whole film were just not right. It didn't fully develop into a romance, the match-making of the male leader and that beautiful English actress was not even on the first step to fully bloom into a real romance and even later a marriage.

The whole storyline was not good either. The American guy followed the English high society people to a castle and sat among them through the most part of the opera was just a hollow arrangement by a very poor script. I don't believe the audience were all familiar with the opera or they really understood what the singers on the stage were singing, no language barrier whatsoever. How, indeed. Maybe those English really understood what those songs lyrics, but the American dude was simply impossible to understand any word.

This is a very weird film with a very uncertain purpose: It wanted the people to fall in love with the opera or, by way of the music to match-making an American with an English high society woman? Was there any romance ever developed? Of course not.
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