30 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
'Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi' was very different from any Star Wars film before it, in some ways good, and in some ways bad. It had an interesting story, like pretty much every other 'Star Wars' film, which isn't at all surprising. I was extremely excited walking into 'The Last Jedi', but I left kinda disappointed about certain aspects. I loved seeing the legendary Rebellion hero and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker again, but his death is the main part I was disappointed by. He is one of the most iconic characters in film history, and I feel his end should've been equally as iconic. I was on the edge of my seat when he showed up on the planet Crait to help the Resistance and him and his former student Ben Solo/Kylo Ren were about to fight. I thought it was going to be the most epic lightsaber duel of all-time, but instead it turned out Luke wasn't even there! He chose to stay on his little island and project a Force-illusion or hologram or whatever you want to call it, instead of showing up in person and facing Kylo like a man. Then he just disappeared and "died" like Yoda did in 'Return of the Jedi'. That really rubbed me the wrong way. Even if he knew he was gonna die, why didn't he go to Crait in person and duel Kylo Ren to buy the Resistance even MORE time to escape? Then when they were safely off-world, he could've done what Obi-Wan did in 'A New Hope': lowered his lightsaber (which technically should've been his green-bladed one instead of his blue one which had just been broken in half about a scene before), allowed Kylo to strike him with his red lightsaber, and just disappeared, leaving only his robes and lightsaber behind. That would've been an epic and iconic end for such an iconic character. Anyway, I feel like I'm ranting, so I'll move on. The space battle at the beginning was amazing, even though it didn't end well for many Resistance fighters and pilots. There were definitely a lot of deaths in this movie. Luke, Supreme Leader Snoke, Captain Phasma, Vice Admiral Holdo, Rose's sister, and Admiral Ackbar ("It's a trap!") all died, which was very sad. I was hoping to learn more about Snoke's backstory because he was shrouded in so much mystery since The Force Awakens, but I guess he just wasn't that important. I got so excited when Kylo Ren killed Snoke because I thought he was turning good again, but it turns out he's still evil and just wanted to be Supreme Leader so he wouldn't have to take orders from anyone anymore. I guess it wouldn't have made much sense if he turned good again because then who would've been the main Force-using villain? The ensuing battle between Rey and Kylo vs. Snoke's guards was pretty cool, I just wish there would've been an actual lightsaber vs. lightsaber duel because this is actually the first Star Wars movie (aside from Rogue One) without one, which makes me kinda sad. Probably the biggest question going into 'The Last Jedi' was the mystery of Rey's parentage. It turns out her parents were just... nobodies. Drunks who sold young Rey off for drinking money or a way off Jakku or something, which was initially very disappointing to me because I really wanted her to be descended from or related to a character from the original trilogy or even the prequels. But the more I think about Rey essentially coming from nothing, the more I'm ok with it. After all, Anakin Skywalker was just a slave boy (and so was his mother), and I guess it shows fans that anyone can be a hero, no matter who you are or where you come from. Plus, it means she's free to forge her own path and make her own destiny instead of being held down by a famous bloodline. I really hope she has a double-bladed lightsaber like Darth Maul's in Episode 9, since she's proficient with a staff. The scene at the end with the little boy on Canto Bight using the Force to grab the broom and holding it like a lightsaber while wearing Rose's Resistance ring was cool because I think it symbolizes that a new generation of Jedi will rise, so the Jedi will never really "end" as Luke wanted. The acting from everyone was fantastic, and I think this was definitely Mark Hamill's finest performance as an older and more weary Luke. Overall, while there are some parts I didn't like, the film as a whole was solid. Not my favorite Star Wars film (that honor goes to The Force Awakens), but definitely solid, I just really wish Luke went out like more of the epic badass I know he is. I think the main, overall message of the film is that no matter how dark and dire things get, there is and always will be hope. By the way, I forgot to say my favorite part by far was Yoda's cameo. I almost cried.
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