What did John and Diana think?
17 April 2018
Watching Adolph Menjou, Andrea Leeds, and Eve Arden you might have thought you came in on some restored scenes from Stage Door. All three were in that classic and all three star in Letter Of Introduction.

Adolph Menjou is a John Barrymore type actor, once a great stage actor, but who lately has been doing a lot of mediocre films has returned to New York with an unknown future. Andrea Leeds has a Letter Of Introduction from her mother for him and Menjou discovers that despite being married our times and about to go for number five it's with the author of the letter with whom he has a daughter.

Who wants to be an actress. The rather arrogant Menjou discovers a tender side when he discovers fatherhood. His scenes with Leeds have some real poignancy to them. Menjou who could ham it up outrageously when called for is most subdued and effective here. The two keep the relationship a secret and it's rumored that Menjou snagged himself some new young quail. All rather disconcerting to George Murphy who Leeds has been seeing.

Both Murphy and Leeds live in a boardinghouse not unlike the one in Stage Door. Among the other residents are Eve Arden in an Eve Arden type part, Ann Sheridan, and Edgar Bergen&Charlie McCarthy&Mortimer Snerd. Bergen and his wooden alter egos supply the comedy.

No doubt John and Diana Barrymore saw Letter Of Introduction. Wonder what they thought? No matter what they thought the film is a good one.
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