Here Alone (2016)
Boring movie with an impressively stupid ending
1 April 2018
I have no problem with dumb movies, especially dumb zombie movies. But these movies have to be aware of their flaws and limitations, and embrace them. Movies like Re-Animator, Zombieland, and Return of the Living Dead all work despite being silly because they embrace their silliness through a comedic tone. This movie was made by inexperienced actors and filmmakers under the impression that what they were making was actually going to be intelligent, and it makes the film both extremely stupid and completely miserable. The characters are very simplistic and their arcs and interactions are all predictable. Most of the movie focuses on these boring interactions in an attempt to build character, but it is to no avail. The zombie rules make absolutely no sense and are very inconsistent, with the zombies acting on different impulses depending on the scene. Without spoiling anything, the ending is completely terrible. The amount of stupid decisions characters make in the climax is simply mind boggling. Every time anyone did anything in the last 15 minutes I was left dumbfounded. Of course the movie chooses a bleak ending, making it even less enjoyable since everything could have easily been avoided. All in all, this film is not worth anyone's time.
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