18 February 2018
Few things on TV are as tedious as watching a celebrity stiffly deliver unfunny jokes while his sycophantic late night infomercial audience, excited just to be on TV, guffaws enthusiastically at absolutely everything (I've seen too many laugh-like-your-life-depends-on-it audiences in recent times). None of the jokes fly (few even get out of hangar), and the thing is, McHale looks like he knows he's not funny and his jokes are meh. His broad shoulders are nowhere near wide enough to carry a show with this sort of platform and it shows on his face as he smirks awkwardly, as if apologising to his career. Maybe that's the joke. Netflix has delivered some very good comedy, yet in recent days most of it has been ho-hum non-starters, and if the first episode of "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale" is anything to go by, this is a non-starter living on borrowed time.
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