A Tremendous Lack of Justice - For the Movie & the True-Life Story
13 January 2018
The movie in no way, shape or form even begins to do the true-life story justice. I just finished reading the book "Death in White Bear Lake" and then watched the movie. The movie is very poorly put together, and far too many important details missing. If I hadn't read the book first, I'm not sure I would've gotten much out of the movie.

As for the true story that the movie was based on, I have to agree with the judge. Lois Jurgens should've been locked and the key thrown away. The 8 years out of her 25 year sentence that she served was FAR too lenient for the horror she inflicted on Dennis. And that sorry excuse for a husband Harold, he should've been strung upside down on a tree. Neither of them should've been approved for adoption. Harold wasn't man enough to stand up for his innocent little boy, who was terrorized by Lois. And I understand why he didn't...my mom (God rest her soul) was a great deal like Lois, and my dad (God rest his soul) a LOT like Harold. HOWEVER, having said that, Harold had a lot of options for getting help for Dennis without Lois EVER finding out that he reported her. Now Lois' brother Jerome, he should've been tossed in prison right alongside his sister. I am certain that he destroyed witness statements and threatened his siblings.

Dennis was 10 months younger than I am. To think that he never really had a chance in life just makes me sick beyond words. As a Christian, it is my duty to forgive others as Christ has forgiven me, but when someone takes their anger and hatred out on innocent children, that is almost more than I can stomach. I hope that both Harold & Lois made peace with God before they died.
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