Nawazuddin the sliver of light in this dark yet average thriller
20 December 2017
Above all else, hats off to Amit Kumar for thinking of a story that very few movie producers would endeavor to make. Yet, not every single great story is converted over into great movies. The pace of 'Monsoon Shootout' is very uneven. For instance, there's a Chase arrangement going on and soon as the grouping gets over, the film turns out to be too moderate. A spine chiller ought to have a screenplay that keeps you on the edge-of-the-seat, yet here separated from a couple of successions that doesn't occur. Amit's portrayal after a specific point turns out to be exceptionally dull. The film neglects to give us some stun factors separated from some blood streaming grim scenes.

Be that as it may, one thing that I might want to bring up is that fortunately this film doesn't lose all sense of direction in saying three unique stories. It isn't at all confounding and that is the place we are awed with the altering done by Atanu Mukherjee. Indeed, even the cinematography done by Rajeen Ravi is great.

The film stars Vijay Varma ahead of the pack part and he is simply flawless. He is essentially astounding as Adi. However, the show-stealer is Nawzuddin Siddiqui as Shiva. He assumes a supporting part in the film, however nails it at whatever point he goes ahead the screen. Neeraj Kabi as Khan is brilliant and Tannishtha Chatterjee likewise awes us. Geetanjali and Sreejita De don't have much to do in the motion picture, yet are great in whatever part they have.

All in all, 'Rainstorm Shootout' is a decent idea that is lamentably not executed that well. Yet, it's most likely a treat for Nawaz's fans.
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