Breathe (I) (2017)
A light hearted drama that required a much better packaging.
5 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As Robin Cavendish clamors repeatedly that he wants to die after feeling stifled living in a Hospital, it takes much persuasion from his wife Diana to think the other way round. Here is a man who wants to see and cherish the outside world and his incapacity to do that makes him shun from the very existence of it.

The movie "Breathe" transports you to a period where the severely disabled and in this context from the malignant polio are restrained from the rest of the society and how they spend the rest of their lives in the hospitals, even though they ache for Freedom. Robin decided to embark on freedom and this movie is an ode to his attempt to integrate into society despite his breathing difficulty, for which he uses an electric breathing tube. Robin aided by his good friend Teddy and his supportive wife Diana and son Jonathan finally manage to live the dream. Though the climax is a bit of an aberrant, but since the real life Jonathan Cavendish financed the movie and initiated the screenplay on his fathers' life, the events in the climax should be true.

Andy Serkis in his directorial debut offers a decent movie with the focus mostly on Robin's life during the polio crisis. There is nothing extra-ordinary about his directing, but he manages to deliver a sensitive topic with charm and light humor, though these kind of movies require much more coherent drama and I found that lacking. The actors have a good job with the pick being Andrew Garfield, who continues to dwell in different characters and his portrayal of Robin is definitely note-worthy. Claire Foy, has a decent chemistry with Garfield, but compared to her titular role in the Crown, this seems kind of a cake walk. The rest of the cast including Tom Hollander,Hugh Bonneville and Jonathan Hyde play the parts with what the characters demand.

The light hearted nature of plot is indeed a drawback as this movie somehow lacks the strong punch. The romantic portions between Robin and Diana is nothing extraordinary even in presentation and seems quite a cliché. Yes, the intent of the movie was not the romance, but even that somehow feels fizzled out.

Overall, Breathe is a decent movie owing to the actors and less with the screenplay. Its worth a watch, however I personally believe the tale of Robin Cavendish needed a more packed and stronger plot. Considering the movie Wonder that had so many beautiful moments, this one kind of fails in that.
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