Oh oh oh what a boring old film.
4 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Through several pairings at 20th Century Fox, blonde June Haver and hunky Mark Stevens proved to one and all that they were no threat to Betty Grable and Dan Dailey. June's pretty enough, can carry a tune as well as dance, but she lacks a real spark. Stevens, better in film noir and darker films, seems to be trying far too hard to be a musical leading man, lacking even the little spark that Haver has. And the plot? Don't even bother, because what's there is a shell of what had already been done since the dawn of sound on the moving pictures screen.

This basically covers the romance of songwriter Stevens and songstress Haver, the daughter of a struggling opera singer (S.Z. Sakall), and other than the typical ups and downs and a few historical references, there's really little here. In fact, I hesitate to call this a musical, more than a romantic drama with songs and little else. As Haver's mother, Charlotte greenwood seems to be doing a variation of "I Remember Mama" and is completely wasted. Sakall overacts and shakes those jowls to death. After a while, this is pretty painful, nary a production number in sight.
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