Full of Grace (I) (2015)
Not A Holier Film Ever Made
18 November 2017
One might think that a film about the life of Jesus would be the holiest film ever made, and that would certainly be the case if it had ever been done. But who would think to make a film about the last days of Mary? Someone did, and if you will watch this beautiful story quietly, and take in every word, you will see that the dialogues and monologue of Mary were all directly inspired by her from her heavenly place with her Son. I can't recommend this film enough to any Believer; in fact, to anyone at all, believing or not--it is fully and securely orthodox in every way. I feel, right now anyway, that I have viewed the very apex of film making, and that I never need to see another film in this life. Truly, I am overwhelmed, and deeply blessed to have had this one brought to my attention by those who care for me, and for my eternity. By the way, the demonic reviews of this film (Mary was a prostitute; the Apostles were more important than Mary, which is laughable and absurd; people with the Holy Spirit will hate this film, etc. ) all confirm the holiness of this project.
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