Fauda (2015–2022)
A captivating and engrossing program.
7 November 2017
Kudos to other reviewers who intimately understand the Palestine/Israel conflict. Their reviews are in-depth and broadly cover the topic.

Allow me to present the perspective of someone who knew little more than the fact two countries are battling over land. One heavily represented in the media as an ally of the Free World, the other portrayed as a nation of extremists and terrorists. And this from the occasional media I watch and hear in Australia (another allied nation).

So here's the kicker: Fauda, an Israeli series depicting the very conflict I've just mentioned, manages to infuse its tale with humanity, love, family and friendship. And it does so on both sides of the fence. Two clear enemies, major stakeholders in the war they wage, are shown with objectivity and fairness. Both men are flawed, both men are biased and heavily indoctrinated in their cause. Yet both have wives and kids they adore, and both men wage their war in the hopes of creating a better future for their families.

That being said, war is ugly and the price paid is often high. Fauda does not stray from this reality and the ripple effect is ever-present, slicing its way through the lives of those embroiled in the fight; some guilty, some innocent.

Woven through these fundamental connections are the various political and military involvements. Watching the puppet masters at work is both interesting and disturbing. Nothing is ever straightforward and Fauda is no exception. There's always someone watching or listening and there's always someone a step ahead of you.

In essence, Fauda is wonderfully acted, riveting, fast-paced and even educational. It is a superior series and deserving of the praise it has received. I truly look forward to Season 2.
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