You'll be distracted by how much better it could have been
15 October 2017
This is one of those films where someone said "hey, what if..." and presented a very basic plot, then rushed out a draft script. Rather than redrafting and reflecting on how to make the story interesting and relevant in some way, they just pad it out to make it a feature length. As it is, what could have been a detailed, fascinating film ends up being empty and boring.

Where the story promises most isn't so much the escapist suspense side of things but the situation as a metaphor for relationships. Issues of control, dominance, repression of freedom, gender stereotyping, c0-dependency. Some of these ideas are hinted at but nowhere near developed, like the writer just didn't have the substance, depth or experience to know what they were doing or saying. There's one scene where the captor is shown to be a germaphobe, which is incongruent with many other scenes in the film (he basically never shows this OCD trait again).

As a suspense film it has the occasional moment, but is woefully under-written. It simply could have been a LOT better, especially given the two hour run time.
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