Review of Landline

Landline (I) (2017)
The Vidiot Reviews...
11 October 2017
Landline Cheating on your spouse in the 1990s was more acceptable because the President was doing it. However, according to this comedy it didn't make it any less upsetting on the children. While twenty-something-year-old Dana (Jenny Slate) is cheating on her fiancé (Jay Duplass) with her ex (Finn Wittrock), she learns from her teenage sister Ali (Abby Quinn) that their father (John Turturro) has been having an affair on their mother (Edie Falco). This bombshell not only helps to reconnect the estranged siblings, but also forces Dana to confront her own infidelity and for Ali to face her growing drug addiction. While it's enjoyable to relive the nineties, there is little else to enjoy about this run-of-the-mill period piece. With a derivative narrative about a New York affair, flat punch lines and unlikeable leads, Landline is best left disconnected. Besides, who needed to cheat in the 1990s when landlines offered 3-way? Red Light
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