Review of Mother!

Mother! (2017)
My god, mother is one hell of a film.
19 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, please don't watch this film if you have trouble understanding metaphors & symbolism.

It's pretty clear that there are quite a number of reviews/rants on this page with people expressing their hate towards the story and how it's been portrayed on screen. It's strange because it looks like they had absolutely no idea what they were watching... it's trivial and shallow to publish a review without any research. However, I do agree that it isn't an easy one to sit through, but some of the greatest films aren't. So again, please don't bother checking it out if your mind is closed, you won't appreciate this masterpiece.

To help deter unaccommodating opinions being regurgitated, I'll try to explain what made the film worth your time.

I believe there are two themes that can be interpreted from Mother!! Therefore, the use of an additional explanation mark is required.


Religious Theory;

Pretty sure the inconvenient truth to this theory is that when the sh*t hits the fan, mother doesn't like people messing up her house (Earth). Apparently, Darren Aronofsky is not religious but he likes strong environmental messages. He also wrote the script in 5 days.. how long did it take God to create the world? Just saying.

Jennifer Lawrence is (Mother) Earth — The house is Earth.

Javier Bardem (Him) is God — Creator of life on Earth, loves attention, and forgives everyone.

Ed Harris (Man) is Adam — Invited by God to Earth (aka house)

Michelle Pfeiffer (Woman) is Eve — Created from Adam's rib (scene where Ed Harris was sick on the toilet)

The crystal is the forbidden fruit (apple)

The baby is the bread at the last supper "Body of Christ"

Relationship Theory;

An extreme version of anxiety in a relationship that is deteriorating. The tense build-up in social interactions and how someone may view a scenario where they feel left out and forgotten. The jealousy someone feels when their bond is shared. Not paying attention to the needs of one another in a relationship. Having a baby to keep the relationship alive. All these emotions are magnified/multiplied by 100 to the point it's literally terrifying, so crazy that it may make you laugh. Finally, once the love has completely diminished, the only thing left is to leave and start again new.

Either way, this film is unique and original in the way it's portrayed, packaged and presented.

Hope you can appreciate the beauty of this Gothic religious tale / art-house opera and award the actors & production team that helped make it possible.
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