Review of Beaches

Beaches (2017 TV Movie)
Couldn't Make It To The End
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest, I couldn't get through the whole movie. I know you shouldn't compare it to the original but the original was just so good and the remake just couldn't hold a candle to it. The origin story of how the girls met was rushed and so poorly acted. It was just bad writing how the girls began a life long friendship after less than an hour or so of conversation. The original really did a much better job of building a bond between the two girls. Another reviewer said exactly what I thought, I almost turned it off there, but I LOVE Idina Menzel and wanted to see what she brought to the film. I wasn't sure to begin with how this film would work. The brilliant Bette Midler was made for this movie and she made the character of CC who she was meant to be. She was loud and proud, slightly obnoxious, and didn't have the girl next door look. That's CC and Bette portrayed that character in the most perfect way, and as much as I adore Idina, that's just not her and it's not a role for her. How in any way could anyone believe that CC wasn't getting roles because she "wasn't as cute as the other girls" when she's played by the stunning Menzel? How could we believe that CC couldn't hold a candle to Hillary in the looks department when she has both the looks and personality. This was a huge hole in the story. You can't make CC the unattractive friend who is so worse off than Hilary when you give the part to someone who is as gorgeous and talented as Idina. It's like casting the head cheerleader as a part meant for a chubby girl. I didn't know how the filmmakers were going to make it work, and it was simple...they didn't make it work. Like I said I turned it off fairly early on. When something is bad there's no point wasting time sitting through it.
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