Simply horrible
17 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Guardians of the Galaxy: Inferno" is a 3.5-minute music video spoof from 2017 and this was done in a way where it would look like the most colorful, over-the-top music video from the 1980s. I am not sure to which extent James Gunn worked on this one, but for his own sake I hope not too much. The man who seemed to have directed these approximately 200 seconds, David Yarovesky, I have never heard of him and that may be a good thing. David Hasselhoff's cult status was used on several occasions in the second GotG film and this little video we have here focuses on him entirely if we ignore Chris Pratt at the very end. However, I believe this one here is as bad as it gets for a DVD/BluRay add-on. It's not funny, it's not catchy, it's not creative, it's not smart, it has basically zero connection to the film and not even the biggest Hasselhoff fans can enjoy it because the thing is halfway over already when he appears for the very first time and then after just a few seconds, he is pretty much gone again until it's over. So I really cannot think of any target group at all who likes this. It's a failure, a huge mess and I have no idea what they were thinking. Major thumbs-down. Don't watch.
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