Greased Lightning
12 August 2017
A middle-aged social misfit is forced to confront the possibility that his abusive father is the local serial killer in this outlandish black comedy. This is not the easiest film to warm to with deliberately over-the-top performances, repetitive dialogue and the two male leads constantly wandering around nude, however, the pure wackiness on display has a certain charm. There are also several very funny moments as Michael St. Michaels keeps complaining "you probably think I'm the greasy strangler!" when everyone from hotdog vendors to his own son refuses to put more grease on his food, and as he dons bizarre outfits without giving a second thought to how he looks. Not all of the jokes work, with far too much toilet humour in the mix, but it is an amusing film from start to finish with all its weirdness. What's more, the film even spins an at-times touching tale of father and son coming to understand and appreciate one another in the backdrop. This is certainly not a movie for all tastes, but in between the pitch perfect electro funk music score, the imaginative costumes and the surprisingly decent makeup effects, there is a lot here to like. The film admittedly goes a little off the deep end towards the end and gets a little too weird for its own good, but this might otherwise be the most refreshingly unusual horror-comedy since 'Otto; or Up with Dead People'.
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