Egermancy Egermancy to get from the street!
10 August 2017
Being eight years old and nothing to do on a gray Sunday afternoon, My Sister dragged me to the movies to watch this compounded misunderstanding of Detente. The Post World War two era had the Soviet Union and The U.S.A. at odds with each also known as the Cold War. A simple case of Communism against Democracy in it's purest form. This also carried over to the Olympic games which made it more entertaining. The U.S. would battle the Soviets for athletic supremacy. Getting to our picture and review. A Soviet submarine is floating off the coast of New England. Through their periscope they see Gloucester Island. The Submarine Captain (Theodore Bikel) wants to have a closer look. The Sub drifts into a sandbar. Embarrassed but prideful, the Captain orders his second in command Lieutenant Yuri Rosanov (Alan Arkin) who speaks a fractured English but comprehend-able to the language, takes his landing party of eight to shore and try to steal a boat secretly to free the sub without an international incident and embarrassment. Meanwhile an Obnoxious nine year old Pete Whittaker (Sheldon Collins) notices the strangers in black outside his summer home. He tells his Dad Walt Whittaker (Carl Reiner) that there's Russians outside their home with machine guns. Rosanov enters the house and tells Whittaker that they are Norweigen fisherman but his story falls apart as Rosanov admits he's Russian and draws his pistol at the Whittaker's demanding their station wagon. Meanwhile the Whittakers attractive babysitter Allison Palmer (Andrea Dromm) shows up to tend to the Whittakers three year old daughter Annie. Mrs. Whittaker (Eva Marie Saint) joins in on the encounter offering the car keys to displaced Russians. One Russian stays behind to guard the family named Kolchin (John Phillip Law). Meanwhile the other eight Russian sailors drive toward the town but the Station wagon runs out of gas. The Russian steal another car, an old sedan owned by Muriel Everett (Doro Merande) a letter carrier who quickly phones the homely gossipy telephone operator of the island Alice (Tessie O'Shea). Muriel tells Alice that her car was stolen from Russian paratroopers who plan to invade and take over the Island. The bumbling Deputy Norman (Jonathan Winters) gets wind of this information and sets up a Militia led by over zealous Fendall Hawkins (Paul Ford) complete with a sword at his side ready to attack. A domino effect takes over the locals as there ready to fight to save their country. One problem though except for a few people no one has seen the Russians. The Police chief,the relaxed Brian Keith feels there only rumors and everyone should go home. One mishap after another makes this film memorable and a laugh out loud comedy for all to enjoy . A running gag throughout the film is when the town drunk Luther (Ben Blue) is trying to saddle his horse to re-create the midnight ride of Paul Revere. Another one of my favorite scenes is when Whittaker is recaptured by the Russians then tied together back to back with Alice the operator. Their mouths gagged trying to untie each other. The film reminds me of It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World with so many recognizable character actors spattered all around. Break out performance for Alan Arkin fresh off the Second City ensemble in Chicago One last question? Does Norman Jewison ever direct a bad Film? Off camera Brian Keith meets Johnny Whittaker for the first time. Johnny plays the boy who is hanging from the steeple in the film. Johnny will reunites with Keith on the TV show Family Affair a year later playing the orphaned nephew Jody.
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