The Best Independent Drama/Thriller/Zombie Film I've Seen
30 July 2017
To try and quench my zombie appetite I have watched MANY MANY...and I mean MAAANY zombie movies, and many of them are pretty dang bad.

This is not one of them.

Although not academy award level in any aspect, I would consider this deserving of awards in the independent and lower budget arenas!

If reviewers and viewers pay attention you will notice that this movie is labeled a Drama, Horror, Thriller. I believe that's accurate. For hard core zombie fans who like strict zombie action, I can see why some would be disappointed. I was not. And in fact I was quite pleasantly captivated. This was a breath of fresh air for this tired, same ole same ole, genera. I finally found a zombie movie that had some MEANING to it. Where the main character was believable and multi dimensional. I loved the humor inter mixed thru out!

The camera work was EXCELLENT. The acting and direction was very very good. And the story was full and different with the pace set at a nice steady burn. After about 45 minutes the pace does pick up with some new characters introduced and some nice surprises!

After reading my review, you can tell whether or not this film may interest you. If you are on the fence...let me push you off. I thought it was an excellent film.
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