An interesting character study of a pre-Smiths Morrissey.
2 July 2017
I was lucky enough to attend the world premier of this at the Edinburgh Film festival closing gala. Now to the actual movie. The story is focused on Morrissey towards the end of the 70s and the struggles he had trying to get his first foot on the ladder as a performer while at the same time being paralyzed with fear of being on stage and dealing with his everyday struggles. In the movie he comes across as a hyper sensitive and shy person but with an underlying streak of arrogance in his own belief in his abilities,despite his lack of confidence in social situations. However the acerbic one liners you would expect from Morrissey are there and when they arrive they are genuine laugh out loud funny. If Smiths fans were hoping to see a film which has a lot of Smiths music in it they will be disappointed. Its similar to the James Brown biopic there's none of the music you may have anticipated being part of the story, which may be a problem for some fans. What we do hear is mostly pop music from the charts from that time. The cast do a great job however without dropping any spoilers for me the film ended almost at the point it was about to get even more interesting, though I doubt there will be any sequel. The film is an interesting character study of one the UKs greatest ever front men from one of the best bands the country has produced, however I am not sure that this film is something either he or his fans will take to their heart. I feel there is a better film on this subject yet to be made. Interesting from as a psychological study but fans may feel shortchanged.
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