A story of a young teacher witnessing what went on in Catholic Church Ireland
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was so so well done because of course its based on a true story of went on in Catholic Ireland and the acting was brilliant. It was very sad though when one of the poor boys was killed by that violent priest Brother John. Sure that was what happened back then, young boys and girls were so badly brought up in a place where they were meant to be looked after but instead, were betrayed by the priests, nuns and the state who operated the institutions. The scene that made me more angry just as the boy being killed by that priest was, they let the two disgraced priests go from the institution. There was no such thing as arresting a priest back then even with murder, they got special treatment somewhere to "clean themselves up". Honestly, the Catholic Church was disgraceful and disgusting for letting these miserable perverts get away with what they done. The real William Franklin was such a good person for making sure the boys were looked after properly with their education and like, at least he wasn't brainwashed like the rest of the Church Hierarchy. Its too bad he didn't save one.

Brilliant movie, kudos to all cast involved!
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