Meet My Valentine (2015 TV Movie)
Writers Take a Chance With a Spin and Only Barely Succeed
1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Most everyone has seen the clichéd versions of the dying loved one. It's been done so many times, that one has to wonder if there is any other creative way to do it. The writers of "Meet My Valentine" feel that they've come up with one. Unfortunately, it's a movie that barely delivers. While I applaud the writers for trying something new and different, they don't quite pull it off.

Tom Bishop is a married man who finds out that he's terminally ill. It's clear that he loves his wife, Val (Valentine) and daughter, Phoebe. However, instead of telling his wife about his illness, he conceals it from her. He doesn't want emotion, and it's obvious that he believes he's sparing his family the physical suffering he will endure. The writers don't realize, that had they stuck to this premise, the movie would have worked. Instead, they take it a step further.

With the realization that he's going to die in about a year's time, Tom decides that he needs to find a new husband/father for his family. This is where the movie spends too much time dealing with Tom screening potential men. It borders on the ludicrous, which is why it fails. And instead of feeling sympathy toward Tom, we actually find ourselves amazed at his cowardice and selfishness. While Tom believes he's doing it for his family, the truth is, he's only doing it for himself. He hasn't the emotional maturity to actually talk to his wife and daughter about what he's going through. Again, had the writers focused on this, the movie would have worked.

The climax of the film comes much too late (at about an hour and fifteen minutes), and the conclusion much too quick, contrived, and easy to be believed.

I really wanted this movie to be more than it was. It had so much potential, especially with stellar performances by the cast. But ultimately, the movie just doesn't work very well. At this point, I'd much rather watch a clichéd movie on this subject. Or better yet, give me a "Highway to Heaven" episode instead. Michael Landon was a master with stories like these.
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