If you're an easily-offended trump supporter, avoid this show
22 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, since this is a positive review, I imagine it will be buried on page 3 or 4 like all the rest of the positive reviews (WTF is THAT about?....reviews are certainly not presented in a 'most recent' format as the default, for some reason....) but here goes.

I have a theory about the low ratings for this show. It has to do with a direct correlation between Trump haters and Trump lovers. Half of your country (inexplicably) voted for the Donald, which immediately eliminates half of the potential viewing demographic. The other half of the country that voted for the other questionably worthy candidate, have jobs and can't stay up that late....sorry (how Canadian is THAT?) for my lame attempt at humor...

While it's true that Seth's is an incredibly biased, sledgehammer-in-the-face kind delivery, it's exactly his relentless attack on Trump that keeps me coming back. Like the (largely sarcastic) approach that Jon Stewart would employ, the content of the first half of his show is how I choose to keep myself updated on the climate of the American political spectacle. If you're simply comparing Seth's show to those of the Fallons, Cordons, and Kimmels out there, then maybe I can understand your disappointment in the lack of fluff. This is maybe more of a hybrid between a traditional late night talk show and The Daily Show.

This is the only late night talk show that I have my PVR record new episodes, though to be fair, it's not that often that I make it through an entire episode (I'm not the biggest fan of 'conversations with celebrities'). It's mostly the opening monologue (styled pretty much exactly like 'Weekend Update' from SNL) and 'A Closer Look' that make me actually laugh out loud on a regular basis. This show's take on the ubiquitous skits and bits (like those of most other similar shows) is really hit and miss, and I find his repartee with his guests to be at least on par with (or maybe better than) his contemporaries.

It's not as though it's all Trump-bashing, all the time. There are plenty of digs at all kinds of Democrats and other politicians. Thank you Seth for your testicular fortitude in helping us continue to laugh (what else can I do as a Canadian while watching the craziness unfold down there?) while American history starts writing a new chapter.

Oh and BTW, America. I honestly wish you the best of luck in the next 4 years. I look forward to being proved wrong in my assessment about how your new president(s)....(should we add Mr. Putin's name to this list?...Ha,Ha) will lead you going forward.
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