The Best Kind of Legacy - Honest
19 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Often documentary films on famous Hollywood 'stars' end up being too polished and show only the sanitized versions of the subject or go the other way and end up being a extended tabloid view - raw and endlessly depressing.

This was a beautifully balanced and intimate portrayal of the love, friendship and intertwined lives of two people living in one compound but coming from two very different generations - Carrie with her hilarious observational honesty about herself and her experiences and Debbie, with her permanent smile and old Hollywood, studio drilled mantra of 'never let the facade fail'. Yet these two are bonded by their experiences and their true love and respect for each other and the battles they've each endured throughout their lifetimes.

Seen in light of recent events with the sudden death of Carrie Fisher and then her mother just a day later I now understood why Debbie could not stay on earth without her daughter (& I'm sure the same should the roles have been reversed) they lived for each other, worried about each other and took care of each other. All the bitterness and anger that I'm sure once existed had long since faded away and all that was left was a lifetime of memories and love, great love.
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