Assassination Classroom (2013–2016)
Bye Bye Yesterday
12 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
it was funny, it was witty, it was deep, it was a roller-coaster ride.

Coming from a similar education background, you tend to wonder is all the effort and sacrifice worth it. then came this show and made you look at it from a different angle.

"Tests are a good thing. The knowledge gained from a night of cramming will be all but forgotten once you hit adulthood. And that's fine. The experience you gain through competition, having sharpened your skills and broadened your minds all under the same set of rules? That's the real treasure.- Koro Sensei"

it's pillar is the comedy mixed with the right amount of seriousness with a hint of fan-service but it's core is the lessons Koro-Sensei teaches his students and indrectly to the viewers. using assassination methods as an analogy to how one should live and deal with life.

"As you go through life, the might current of society is bound to get in your way and there will certainly be times that things don't go as you'd hoped. When this happens, don't look to society for a cause. Do not renounce society. Frankly, you'd be wasting your time. Instead just say, "That's life!" and muddle your way through with frustration. Once you're past it, consider: If society's swift current is tossing you around, how should you be swimming there in it's midst. You should have learned how, here in the E class, in this assassination classroom. You don't always have to stand and face it head-on. You can run and you can hide. If it's not against the rules, you can try a sneak attack. You can use unconventional weapons. Stay determined - not impatient nor discouraged - and with repeated trial and error, you're bound to reach a splendid outcome eventually.- Koro Sensei"

like how Shirley died in Code Geass and Lancer's death in Fate Zero, this manga adaption anime brings that sting you know that's coming but you still can't avoid it.

"To kill is an action which overflows in everyday life. In actuality the more you try to be accepted, the more you kill your unrestrained self.- Koro Sensei"

this anime's openings are those openings that are boring at the start but as the story progress you tend to see the meaning behind those opening and it somehow tug that emotional string within as the countdown gets closer. this is helped by the classroom singing them together.

in the end as Koro Sensei said, "Fun times are bound to end."

the important lesson Koro Sensei ever taught Class 3-E was Nothing is ever truly wasted if you view it from a different angle and learn the lesson behind it.

"It's dangerous for them to grow up without experiencing true competition. Because they'll keep whining, even without taking the matter seriously. For those with a high level of aptitude... The sooner they know the frustration of defeat, the greater their growth will be. - Koro Sensei"

Truly, this is a masterpiece worthy of its place among the creams of the crop with Fate Zero, Code Geass, Fullmetal Alchemist, Vandread and others.
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