A well made documentary with a clear and accomplished goal
30 October 2016
Being the objective of this documentary to raise awareness and support DiCaprio's activity as a "UN messenger of peace" and environmental activist, I believe it really achieved its goal as it is truly a breathtaking, eye-opening film which urges the viewer to strive for a change.

Throughout the documentary we are presented with shocking information, images and educated people's opinion on the matter (like world leaders and scientists) which adds credibility to it. Leonardo DiCaprio and his team do not spare criticism on some of the biggest countries (like the US) policies and on the fossil fuel industry.

Leo's charisma and ability to persuade and entertain the public allied to his drive as an environmental activist just leaves you glued to your seat thinking what can you do to make a change. I believe this really is the kind of information that should be more out there and DiCaprio's celebrity-status, as well as all the other people interviewed, is great for visibility.

If anything, I just wish this was a mini-series to know even more about this issue the world is facing, which might just be the biggest one it ever did...
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