Court (2014)
Indian Indie on the lamentable state of the legal system
20 October 2016
The basic synopsis is that an aged folk singer and 'people's poet' is arrested mid gig by the Mumbai police. He is taken before a judge where he finds that he is charged with abetting the suicide of a sewerage worker by performing in a slum. This has been done by his suggestive lyrics – and presumably the gullibility of the audience. The film follows the course of his ordeal at the hands of the Indian legal system and of the lawyer who is doing his best to get him released.

Now this is supposed to be a satire but it also comes across as a bit Kafkaesque at times. The acting is all from unknowns and they keep the authenticity level at high by using Marathi, Gujarati, English and Hindu – which is mostly translated well. The camera work is the type where the camera frames the scene and everyone acts within that frame. It has a real feeling of realism as there is always so much going on – just as it would be in real life. The players are not them only players on the stage – just like life where we are only ever the star in our version of reality.

Now I have seen high praise for this film and a lot of criticism. The critics have bemoaned the lack of direction; but that is the point – it is meant to look amateurish as that is how the courts work. The sound levels and white sub titles have caused complaints too, but I was fine with those aspects. It was also panned for the lack of editing – and well I have to agree; there are some scenes that you can fast forward parts as lots of 'bugger al' happens. But I think that was done to emphasise the passing of time and the sheer mundanity of the clock ticking being also seen as a weapon of punishment. People being locked up and denied bail is a punishment and it is the passage of that time and it being unlived that hammers that point home. So I think we essentially are suffering for our art.

Anyway it is a compelling watch but will not be for everyone; if you want thrills, action, a love interest or some sort of noir then look elsewhere. This is slow paced in action, takes its time on all levels and has messages both obvious and subtle, but I am glad I stuck with it.
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