Extremely addictive, but not without its imperfections
16 October 2016
This is going to be very similarly worded to my review for the 'Battlestar Galactica' pilot from 2003, but that's due to having so much of the same great things. 1978's 'Battlestar Galactica' was, and still is, a lot of fun to watch and has a lot of great things, such as most of the production values, the music and the cast. Flaws and all, there is still a soft spot for the show.

At the same time, it was a long way from a flawless show, with the problems more noticeable to an adult audience, such as annoying child actors, the character of Muffit II, the tone not always being focused and too many homages that distracted from the main plot-line. When 'Battlestar Galactica' was good, it was great, as seen with "War of the Gods" which took a darker approach and ended up epitomising what the show is all about. When the show was not good, like with "The Young Lords", it was cringe-worthy.

There was the worry as to whether the pilot mini-series and this show would fall into the same camp as 'Galactica 1980', which had one great episode, "The Return of Starbuck", and one great scene, the attack of the Cylons on Los Angeles, but is down there as one of the most pointless and unnecessary shows ever made. Not only making the mistakes as the original 'Battlestar Galactica' did but amplifying them and making more on the way.

Watching the pilot and this show in its entirety over-time, neither go anywhere near in the territory of being another 'Galactica 1980'. Will be going out on a limb, but both are improvements over the original 'Battlestar Galactica', but other than having the same title and names they are very different and should be judged separately. Speaking of the show, there are improvements over the pilot, Tigh, who was a flat character in the pilot, is much more interesting and developed and Starbuck is more toned down while still showing a sassy, tough and no-nonsense personality.

The shaky camera work occasionally getting excessively for no real reason flaw is still present however, and if you want accurate science fiction or computer science look elsewhere, the science is barely there and lazily researched when there and the computer science is convoluted gibberish. There are also things done worse here, the special effects are not as good as the rest of the production values, not cheap but do look rather rushed. The character of Roslin is also much more likable and heartfelt in the pilot, here the character while showing glimpses of the affecting and complex personality traits shown in the pilot also has an off-putting holier than thou and hypocritical attitude and Mary McDonnell overdoes it at times in the acting, especially some shrill line delivery and her facial expressions.

Judging the seasons, Seasons 1 and 2 are absolutely phenomenal and some of the most riveting television ever made. Season 3 started off great but lost some of its momentum halfway through, while Season 4 was very disappointing with things taking a bizarre and very confused turn, characters being over-written and out of character and then ideas started getting resolved in a flat and simplistic manner and in ways all too convenient and too much by chance.

On the other hand, let's talk about what is so good about 'Battlestar Galactica' (2004) in its prime and why to me it's an improvement on the 1970s show.

The tone is much more consistent. It's dark, bold, moody and sombre compared to the more light-hearted and admittedly sometimes cheesy tone of the original, and while it was different it was interesting and avoided generally being clinical and cold. It clearly knows what tone it's trying to take, without trying to be too many things all at once which would fall into the traps of being bloated and under-explored, and what target audience it's aiming to appease to, without trying too hard to appeal to them. The characters have much more depth, with complex and nuanced personalities (the heroes have flaws as well as strengths, while the more villainous characters are more than standard villains with a sympathetic and humane edge while also being a threat). Baltar in particular is brilliantly developed.

The Cylons are more consistently characterised, being more of a threat rather than being indecisively written, and there are no annoying child actors or any character down there with the likes of Muffit II or Doctor Zee from 'Galactica 1980'. The production values are top notch mostly, especially in the stylish and moodily atmospheric photography when not excessively shaky, the dynamic and foreboding lighting and awe-inspiring sets. The music is haunting and moody with also with melancholy and nuanced pathos without being overly-bombastic or sappy, approaches that would have sounded wrong within the show. The action also crackles thrillingly.

Writing is as layered and complex as the characters, as well as being more focused tonally and the story-lines more consistent. It's very insightful and thought-provoking, and resists going into overload of cheese or mawkish sentimentality. The political, military and social commentaries are powerful. While taking time to develop, the stories when the show was in its prime are still incredibly compelling with a lot going on while still being very much cohesive. There is no padding and the concept is always obvious with little getting in the way. The acting is very good, especially from dignified and authoritative Edward James Olmos and James Callis who brings a lot of dimension to a character much more complex than just your standard villain.

On the whole, not without imperfections and Season 4 really does not live up to the first two seasons but 'Battlestar Galactica' is still extremely addictive and intriguing stuff. 7.5/10 Bethany Cox
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