Nothing out there quite like this
15 October 2016
Weirdest movie i have ever seen. Cannot be recommended but i cannot not recommend it either. I don't condemn anybody who gives it a rating of 1 out of 10 but i can see how it could get a 10 out of 10 too. From the bat**it crazy soundtrack to the gratuitous full on male nudity that peppers the entire movie you are in for an experience if nothing else. Do not go into this without being warned, you will hate it and love it (delete as applicable) It's a horror movie with some weird gross out scenes, a love story with some weird gross out sex scenes and a comedy movie with some weird gross out scenes. It's funny in a kind of "never seen that before" way - you will tell your buddies about it. Watch it because you'll be glad you had, even if you hate it, if that makes sense.
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