Ehhh good but not great...
9 October 2016
The movie was pretty good overall. It was a great western movie, with a great cast. The story itself was very simple, but interesting and it kept you on edge.

Action and characters were portrayed well. Each actor did a excellent job. The scenery was pretty accurate. It made you believe you were actually in a western town. Besides this though, there wasn't really anything more.

Now there were many downsides to this movie. The movie was fast paced, which kept you going. Which was good, the problem was it felt like the movie was cramped in. They should've made the movie longer. It felt like everything was rushed. The director should've focus more on the details. It didn't really show more specific parts that could've made the movie better. Everything was happening too quick. Movie should've slowed down and taken some time to really show what the scene was about. Instead it zoomed passed it.

In the end, the movie wasn't great but not bad. Thus earning a 7 star rating.
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