Full of Grace (I) (2015)
Setting Mary Above God
26 September 2016
It is apparent the producer's goal for this movie is to elevate the importance and influence of Mary, the mother of the man, Jesus Christ. She appears to be the primary force of what some may call the "Christian movement" since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Mary was no more important but far less important than the apostles who were commissioned and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God to bring the Gospel (Good News) to the world. From the day of Pentecost when Peter and about 120 disciples, including Mary, were filled with the Holy Spirit and declared the wonderful works of God, the work continued in the early years without abatement. It was not up to Mary to make that happen at any time.

Jesus Christ was alive at that time in Resurrection Power, Present and Much at Work, even as He is Alive Today in This Same Power. The producers of the movie haven't a clue. They don't know Him, but they urge others into their own darkness to exalt themselves in their idol, Mary. What Catholics call "veneration" of Mary is called Mariolatry by those who have received the Holy Spirit.

This movie leads to Mary, not to the Person and Spirit of our Almighty God, Jesus Christ.

A brother in Christ spoke these words to describe the nature of Full of Grace:

The movie could be summarized as: "Jesus is dead and gone for ten years, so the apostles, now in a funk and struggling, need 'Mother' Mary to help guide them back to the truth."
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