despite low budget and weak script; EXCELLENT!
12 September 2016
I didn't really have expectations with "President Down", I have seen the first two movies and for me there's a darkness and chill that suggests that the trilogy is closer to horror/thriller than action. Brenden Fletcher seems to look madder and scarier and as an anti-hero you get the feeling he's not that likable a person; highly intelligent yet potentially volatile, not the type of person you take home to mother...

Somehow I was gripped by President Down, low budget and weak script aside, the message is powerful, the fantasy of one person making an impact whereby "the people" take back their power and follow the (somewhat jumbled) message...

However, the message is powerful and although the use of violence/control to instigate a potential egalitarian society never works; the sophomoric use of action and sensationalism at least will attract some people that need the message/parable to casually sink into their subconscious.

Overall it's a worthwhile watch if you want your noodles cooked (brain stimulated) but don't expect high end action or deeply choreographed fight scenes. President Down deserves a watch as the thinkers will find it intriguing...
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