Fantastic action scenes; the rest isn't up to much
26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the big-budget sci-fi sequels that are winging their way across our cinema screens in 2003, the two MATRIX sequels are amongst the most highly regarded. So how does THE MATRIX RELOADED stand up to the ground-breaking original movie? I would say very well; as a film it comes in just under the bar raised by the original's formula, only losing out because the originality of the first film's plot and world are now familiar. This is a film immediately cursed by being the middle of a trilogy: it has no real beginning and no real end. The plot is a major hurdle which even fans will find themselves struggling to overcome. For the first hour and a half, nothing much plot-wise happens at all, then most of the plot is crammed into about ten minutes of screen time, then there's a ludicrous cliffhanger ending which isn't worth much. The result is a film which drags somewhat at the beginning (clumsy out-of-place "rave" sequences, a lengthy and non-too-appetising love scene between Reeves and Moss) and gets far too complicated at the conclusion, with this viewer lost by the endless philosophical debates about human choice.

Still, this matters not: the series has not yet lost the "cool" factor. ALL of the major players from the first film are back; Carrie-Ann Moss is particularly well served in scenes that flesh out her character nicely. Keanu Reeves has rather less to do than previously, but he does indeed look "cool" and he gets to fly like Superman, which is pretty good in my book. Laurence Fishburne is also back, beefier than ever, but is pretty much wasted this time around. Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) also returns after being destroyed the first time, although he has less screen time here; well, more in a way, but let me come to that. Newcomers include the imposing "ghost twins" and alluring French beauty Monica Bellucci.

Most fans of the series will be looking for hard-hitting action scenes and in this respect the film does not disappoint. In fact some of the best action in the past ten years plays out in this movie. Whether it be incredible kung fu fighting or the seventeen-minute car chase, this movie kicks backside. Two lengthy moments stand out in my mind as highlights: the playground fight between Neo and the Smith clones, which is simply incredible and just gets better and better, leaving me breathless; plus the aforementioned car chase which is incredibly and possibly the best of its kind ever seen in a movie. The special effects are top notch and offer plenty of never-before-seen techniques, progressing wildly from the original movie. So, in a nutshell, THE MATRIX RELOADED is worth watching for the fantastic action alone. Just don't expect a mind-bending plot like the first one offered.
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