Unique film.
23 August 2016
A clever obscure film, done by a filmmaker who finally has the courage to denounce what is the mask behind the the business of art, psychoanalysis and false altruism. Either a Martian or R. W. Fassbinder, from where he could be, will be happy to see that in this polluted planet, still are some who really show snobs as they really are. For good or bad, PM is a statement about our present intellectual condition. Not wonder why some critics jumped to trash in cowardly, paranoid fashion, such a interesting work of today for the future....

Coming for a country that sells tango or copy what here already die 10 or 30 years ago, make the film even more special. When filmmaking just advance in technology translated to progress, or in formal, superficial subterfuges already cliché or ¨Iconoclastic¨, Alejandro shouts to a world where to don't say nothing may be saying everything: To that conformist, aesthetic emptiness pathologically narcissistic of our times.

Thanks Argentina!
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