Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses (2014 Video)
Not too shabby, Danny Glover is a nice addition
6 August 2016
Not spectacular in any ways but if you like liked the first one then I don't see why you shouldn't at least enjoy this one.

Plotwise I guess it's nothing that's gonna win any awards, fairly similar to the first one but I really enjoy Danny Trejo as Frank Vega.

Usually Trejo gets to play only one-dimensional angry all the time bad asses but Frank Vega has a little more layers to him, of course he's still bad ass but he does have a more sensitive side to him as well as being rather funny from time to time.

And Danny Glover is a nice addition to the franchise, even though there are limitations to what he can do in terms of bad assness his character is funny.

Dante Basco is listed in the credits, but honestly I didn't see him, and I imagine I would have recognized him if I did... But he's listed as 'gangly Asian guy' so maybe he was in the background in some scene. Or his scene were cut out for some reason. Just thought I'd point that out.

Anyways yeah if you liked the first one give it a go, have not seen the third one yet but is looking forward to doing so when possible.
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