Decent Japanese Animation
2 August 2016
I have watched many Japanese animation, some are unforgettable such as Ghibili productions or animation series such as Erased. But not all have to be unforgettable or outstanding, some are light and easy such as Ranma. This animation while is not fantastic it is nice and enjoyable maybe a little slanted toward mid teens. Never the less any Japanese animation is far better than the pasteurized, homogenized, franchised cookie cutter Hollywood productions. In response to a reviewer who said " It is cringe worthy when in the first scene of the series it is portraying the females as useless and clumsy damsels in distress….." Maybe you have watched too many Hollywood shows where 50 KG females with stick figures easily over power men 3 times their size but in real world females do rely on their male kinsmen and friends to defend them, where physical strength is needed, and this is one of the good things about most Japanese animations where women are women and men are still men, this does not mean women are not strong. On the contrary women are shown to be truly strong, i.e. not physically but strong in will and character. You should see Kikyo in Inuyasha or Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Again one can not satisfy everyone, especially when views of reality has been so warped by popular culture and interest groups. Enjoy
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