Containment (2016)
A Realistic Scenario in an Unrealistic Show
1 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
We've all "witnessed" the Ebola crisis and unwittingly learned a lot about how a contagious disease spreads. Except for the makers of this show. Apparently, they don't know anything about even the most basic bio hazard handling protocol, let alone combating a deadly virus. I learned more in a Red Cross CPR training course about personal safety equipment and coming in contact with bodily fluids.

I did enjoy the make up. The sick people definitely looked awesome. The premise was not original but as I said, definitely realistic in terms of a pandemic breaking out, that is. The how's and why's are a different matter.

Most of the characters are likable and relatable, the writing is OK to a point. But the blatant disregard of the makers as to how this would really play out, especially a stone's throw away from the CDC headquarters, makes this show cringe-worthy.

I'm hearing it got canceled. And that sounds like a good idea to me...
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