Containment (2016)
What happened after the pilot????
19 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you're going take on a genre that is so over done you need to do it right!

Talk about all aspects of a production going downhill in a hurry. Plot, character development, intrigue, suspense and any elements required for the viewers enjoyment are dropped from this series like a forced fart. The pilot was decent. Decent enough to warrant workplace discussions the following day to see if anyone else had discovered the series. The talking soon changed to apologies between my workmates after the season unraveled at about the 5th episode and degenerated into a confusing, silly mess.

Very few TV series have me rush for the eject button mid season. I'm at episode 12 and have no intention of watching the final episode for risk it may further reduce my (already limited) I.Q

As an enormous fan on B Grade movies and productions i was struggling to see where this fits in my scale. The best B Grade creations are generally ones that set out to achieve and fail badly, but do so unknowingly. The point that a solid B Grade production needs ENTERTAINMENT value to warrant watching them. This even fails at that. Badly. Its not bad enough to be good. Quarantine parameters in this TV series wildly and inexplicably vary between infected patients being contained to reinforced air-tight holding cells at the hospital, to two men from either side of the cordon being able to casually meet together in a completely unmodified shipping container, with no supervision, no hazmat suits and no security screen separating them. Literally nothing to stop the virus from spreading other than them adhering to to an apparent "Please don't step past the yellow tape" rule set up by the comically arrogant and ill prepared military presence in this show. At the least the lazy writers could have written in for them to be wear face masks slung lazily around their necks (common practice within the cordon it seems)

### SPOILERS#### There are some laugh out loud moments in this series. The hoodlums that overthrow the convenience store mid season go on to storm the hospital in a fit of rage when Doctor Cannerts is blamed for the virus. They are promptly turned around by loyal crisis cop "Jake" in what is the most UN-inspired speech i have ever witnessed in my life. I'm amazed the unruly gang did not open fire on Jake for being so boring.

What was setting up to be a *decent scene when Doctor Lommers and Lex are sealed in a shipping container falls apart at the seams in a comically bad way. Over a week of life and death tension, politics and scandals have occurred to cause animosity between the two opposing authority figures and its all extinguished within 5 minutes with most poorly written dialogue in the entire season. The scene sums up the rhythmic pace of the series. A small build up for what could be a climactic point only to die a sudden death due to "high school project" level writing and production.

I rated it generously as a genuinely enjoyed the pilot. Had it blown from the first hour this abhorrent creation would have been worth zero stars. I am genuinely amazed at its current star rating on IMDb of 7.2.

Nick D
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