A Haunting, Sad, Amazing, Beautiful, Impactful Emotional Ride of a Lifetime
5 July 2016
I was bored during the holiday in this movie came across Amazon. I read the description and wasn't really sure but it looked like a decent enough independent film. Since I'm becoming a bigger fan of independent films lately because of the dribble that Hollywood is putting out, I figured this was something that might entertain me.

I was completely wrong...it not only entertained me but it floored me. I'm not truly sure how to describe this movie. It's not a horror movie, as it has no gore or blood or anything else, but it's also not NOT a horror movie, because of the events that take place throughout this movie.

The truth is I have honestly not seen a movie quite so impactful in probably 10 years. I'm going to list a few things for those of you who have not seen it and will do so without giving away any spoilers I promise. I am going to give you some advance knowledge that I believe will help you watch the movie in a more enjoyable way. If you don't want any advance advice about the movie then stop reading here but I'm definitely not going to give away any spoilers.

1. Go into this movie with an open mind and be prepared to think about EVERY word that is spoken and EVERY action that is taken by EVERY character in the movie regardless of how small. The littlest most insignificant things that take place in this movie can mean so much in later parts of the movie when you're trying to figure out exactly what is going on.

2. Don't give up quickly on the movie when you believe in your mind that the big reveal has been given away in the first 15 minutes. It only seems that way. Keep that open mind going and watch the remainder of the film.

3. Immerse yourself in this film and don't do anything else while you're watching it. Don't check your phone, don't play games, don't talk to anybody in the room. Sit in your most comfortable chair and immerse yourself in the movie like you would a good book. Failing to do so will make you wonder what you missed and require you to go backward in the movie and trust me when I tell you, you don't want to watch too much of this twice in the same sitting.

All of that said this movie has some very beautiful scenery and is shot well. I have no complaints whatsoever about the cinematography nor do I have any complaints about the story or the plot. This movie stands for itself and it is what it is.

I hope you enjoy it like I did.
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