Even for a Seagal movie, this is beyond awful
4 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, its called Sniper. Sniper is in the title. So, is it a little too much to ask to see a sniper sniping? One would think not. However, this is a Steven Seagal flick, so that means anything goes. As long as Seagal gets to 1. Play it "cool" (check), 2. Have minimal dialogue and deliver it in a low, slow, mumbling voice (check), and 3. Wear sunglasses for 99.99% of his screen time (check).

What really gets me is that I was pumped to see some sniper shots. You know, head shots where people's skulls are obliterated by the expert marksmanship of the sniper. And what do we get? Three, yes count 'em, 3 sniper shots. And one of them the target was a whiskey flask, not a person. I'm not kidding.

The rest of the movie drags on with some lame storyline of special ops guys going to perform automotive maintenance on a broken down supply truck, only to find the head taliban raghead's daughter and infant child trying to flee, thus throwing a monkey wrench in what would have been an easy operation.

OK, so firefights ensue, an expendible soldier gets a bullet in the brains, dozens of taliban clowns are mowed down by the superior firepower and marksmanship of the American soldiers. Scene cuts to Seagal every 15 minutes or so for a 2 minute pontification by Steven, who's trying to save his sniper/spotter squad member whose been paralyzed by a bullet to the spine, well at least according to Dr. Seagal. See, not only is he a sniper, but he's such a seasoned vet that he's also an expert medic and qualified to make battlefield diagnoses.

So, anyhow, the beta-dog member of the squad (since Seagal is the alpha dog, presumably) pulls into town and confronts the head taliban raghead but tricks him thanks to the savvy female war correspondent whose been a real thorn in his side for the entire movie up until now when he can use her for the old switcheroo. The baby is really a bomb dressed up as an infant and the guy gets blown to smithereens. A few more bullets fly and then Seagal and the paralyzed wounded vet get rescued. Seagal then takes off his sunglasses at the end of the movie. Ooh-Rah!
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