A rugged war-time combat drama following the true story of a Colonel in the Philippines who fought with the resistance movement
25 April 2016
Classical warfare movie with big John Wayne and the flick talks about the Phillipines battle , during WWII , concerning on defenders and resistance fighters , but Japan has just invaded ; regarding events happened in Bataan , Corregidor and Leyte . Exciting warfare movie about a tough Colonel who forms guerrilla army to raid Japanese and to help Americans landing on Leyte . The Japanese army has overrun the Philippines , sending General MacArthur packing , promising to return . The US Army's defense of its Philippines colony and the allied Malay countries/colonies behind it counted on its island fortress of Corregidor on Luzon -and a few others- but loses it in the 6 May 1942 Japanese combined forces attack . Meanwhile , it's sent to the Duke to hold the fort . A small group of soldiers commanded by Colonel Joseph Madden (John Wayne , he's based on on a real-life American who fought with the resistance movement) are among the escaping survivors who are ordered by general Douglas McArthur to organize a guerrilla . As Colonel Madden takes on the Japs aided by Capt. Andrés Bonifácio (Anthony Quinn) along with a small platoon of Filipino resistance fighters . As a group of soldiers flee from Japanese repeatedly attack and they head for blowing-up the Japanese installations . The defenders gave a few days for posterior victories and future US conquest like Midway , Island Salomon and Bismark . As the small army endeavoring to blow up a pivotal Japanese staff at a fake celebration of Independence .

This classic warlike movie is nicely starred by John Wayne at one of his best roles as a two-fisted Colonel , he's accompanied by a plethora of first-rate secondaries . Stirring actioner warfare completed with slice of military stereotypes although some characters are very one-dimensional . This rousing action saga results to be a a good film dealing with war in human terms . However , there are some nasty , ominous villains well played by Asian players who bear offensive racial stereotypes , as the Japanese are all nasty and evil . There is a fair bit of flag-waving and patriotism , but that was just what was needed when the picture was made . It may not be an awesome film , but this is a thrilling and well made war epic . This colorful movie contains action , breathtaking battles , thrills , stock-shots , historical events and the battle scenes are impressively made . Stalwart main cast , Wayne and Quinn , both of whom give splendid interpretations . Being stunningly supported by Belulah Bondi , Richard Loo , Lawrence Tierney Abner Biberman , Vladimir Sokoloff and Paul Fix as a grizzled as well as sympathetic veteran .

This is one of a handful of feature films that have featured the story of the World War II Battle of Bataan , they include ¨So proudly we hail¡¨ by Mark Sandrich (1943) ; ¨Bataan¨ (1943) by Tay Garnett and ¨They were expendable¨ (1945) by John Ford . The film is set into a lush , abundant jungle with a dense fog made by usual RKO production designer , Albert S. D'Agostino , and contains an atmospheric as well as evocative musical score by the ordinary Roy Webb . It is well set in South Pacific , Philippines and shot in Tarzana Ranch , Thousand Oaks , Baldwin Estate , Santa Anita , California . The motion picture was professionally directed by Edward Dmytryck , a good Hollywood craftsman . Edward has a sensitive handling of actors and provides an exact compositional sense . Edward handles in all -especially the battle scenes- with flair play and vigour . He is a classic director , his films deal with a deep description of civilized societies , he believes that corruption is an essential part of it , that society punishes sincerity , innocence and love, vengeance and greed determine the behavior of people .

The actual deeds about Bataan concern an unsuccessful attempt by US and Filipino troops under General Douglas MacArthur to defend the peninsular against the Japanese 1 Jan-9 April 1942 . Following the surrender of Bataan , MacArthur was evacuated , but Allies captives were force-marched 95 km/60 mi to the nearest railhead in the Bataan Death March,ill-treatment by the Japanese guards during the march killed about 16.000 US and Filipino troops .

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