The Bronze (2015)
Box Office Results Aside...
24 March 2016
...this is still a pretty bad film.

I hate to bash a low-budget indie flick like this, because it's obvious everyone in the cast is trying their best... It's just not funny.

I'm not a fan of 'Big Bang Theory' so I have no familiarity with the lead actress, but it's clear she was going for a Danny McBride-esque tone for the main character. Unfortunately, NOTHING about this character comes off as lovable, or even likable, so there's not a single moment in the film in which you root for her. This is a fundamental problem in storytelling that is forgivable in most "wacky" comedies (because, honestly, who *really* cares about character in that genre?) IF they managed to disguise the problem with hilarious set pieces. This movie didn't. The "raunchy" jokes felt awkward/out of place and most just fell completely flat.

It just wasn't funny.

I'm not surprised at all this didn't find an audience. I'm sure it'll perform better on DVD, but even then I can't recommend it.
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