Incredibly Confusing for just about everybody.
22 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film manages to butcher the source content such that readers of the manga would be baffled by the decisions of what was omitted as well as the large amount by which the movie strays from the source material. The movie feels like the writers decided to stick to the source material faithfully for the first half, then give up and write the second half drunk while being narrated by a five-year-old. The film seems to tease a sequel yet the butchering of the material in the second half basically eliminates the possibility. (unless they reboot or do a film of the second manga instead.)

In addition, the film also fails to provide a proper standalone package through the inclusion of unnecessary element such as Enokida Takumi, who gets surprising amounts of character depth even though he contributes nothing but confusion to the film.

Personally I find that the film over-complicates the killing methods, choosing strange and "creative" killing methods (red marbles? really?) over the source material's straightforward blow- off-a-head-or-limbs-with-projectiles-or-lasers-and-let-the- associated-gore-fly approach.
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