Kinda fun and action packed, but nothing groundbreaking or really interesting.
13 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I can't tell you how many movies have made me scream into the screen, "Pick up the damned gun that guy dropped you idiot" and watch the foolish person continue on with a handgun which is probably almost empty. This time I didn't have to yell that, because our stars were smart enough to grab nearly every gun that fell.

Bad guys dropped like flies, as one would expect when fighting against our hero, however it seemed that in the final stages that twice as many men were killed as were even involved in the endeavor.

Mildly believable, bloody and violent, but not really "a keeper". Fun enough if you're drinking with your buddies, no *obviously* stupid moves and gladly, they didn't pull the standard "cuz she's a girl" tragic mistake that nearly all action films employ.
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