This one is actually great!
27 December 2015
The first two movies in the prequel trilogy weren't horrible, but had so many flaws. This one isn't as good as any movie in the original trilogy, but if you ask me it's pretty close. This one is actually very well done and special effects don't look so fake now and give us some really epic scenes, especially in a movie's climax that will keep you at the edge of your seat. Here, George Lucas proved that he can still do it and I was really satisfied with this movie. The acting was the best the prequel trilogy gave and Hayden Christensen isn't so wooden and annoying anymore. Here he's actually pretty cool and shows that he has potential, but Ewan McGregor remains the best part of the cast. You really believe him to be young Obi-Wan and that's very well done and he also has some very heartbreaking moments with Anakin at the end. One of the biggest flaws in the prequels was all those political conversations. Just lots and lots and lots of talking that makes you want to fall asleep, but thankfully, Lucas listened to his fans and it's reduced here. It's still present, of course, but not as much. Romance between Padme and Anakin is a little bit more believable here, but still not enough and that's one of the biggest flaws here, but the blame is more on Attack of the Clones in this case. Everything is executed very well and leading up to the original trilogy is very good, even tho it does create some plot holes, but in Star Wars you can explain almost everything with the Force. And one more good thing for Jar Jar haters, he appears for only like, a second. Hooray! But there is one more thing they messed up in the ending and I'm not gonna spoil anything but that one awful line (NOOOO!). While the first two movies in the prequel trilogy were disappointing, this one makes it all better. Not everyone will like it, but as a big Star Wars fan, I must say it's a nice and intense ending for the prequels.
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