Djinn (2013)
Really Bad Film
21 October 2015
Djinn (2013)

* (out of 4)

Emirati couple Salama (Razane Jammal) and Bobby (Paul Luebke) leave America for her homeland a year after the tragic death of their infant son. Once there they move into a new apartment complex where Salama begins to see visions, which might be connected to the Arab legend Djinn.

This film was tied up in some sort of production hell as it was announced, given a release date, disappeared and it finally showed up on American shores but sadly it's pretty much a disaster. Director Tobe Hooper at least delivers a professional looking film but that's about the only kind thing I've got to say about this film, which runs just 82 minutes but it seems three times as long. There are all sorts of problems here but the biggest is just that it's really not all that well-made and it looks incredibly cheap.

Sadly instead of any atmosphere we're instead given a bunch of jump scares that never work and just come across very cheap. Even worse is the really bad CGI effects, which look horrible and especially that of the Djinn. The only good thing about the casting is that they hired actors from the United Arab Emirates but sadly none of them are all that good and that's especially true for the leads who just don't get across that mental strain that the characters are going through.

The negative stuff keeps going as the look of the film is cheap and Hooper just never builds up any sort of atmosphere. There are elements of REPULSION on display here but Hooper just never makes it work and he certainly never builds any tensions or scares. DJINN is a pretty awful movie from a director who has given us some classics but this certainly isn't one of them.
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