Paper Towns (2015)
Well it was neat, but lacked the impact and substance
5 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So the main reason I wanted to check this movie out is because it was written by John Green who is the author of "The Fault in Our Stars" which is a movie that I really enjoyed. And because this movie is directed by Jake Schreier who directed "Robot & Frank" which is another movie that I enjoyed. However this lacked the substance and impact "The Fault in Our Stars" has. Sure one deals with cancer and this is a coming of age mystery movie. About being being bold and brave enough to make a move and stop trying to only be in the comfort zone. So the plot is about a good hearted guy named Quentin who is in love with a rambunctious and enigmatic girl named Margo. The beginning few minutes, I thought I was into another cool magical movie with witty and smart dialogue and substance. However after the first act the movie went int a nosedive. With the mystery solving and road trip parts. I will say the lead group of teenagers are likable. If I was still in high school it would have been neat to have the group of friends in this movie. The premise had potential, but the direction was more of a miss than a hit. It did have few endearing friendship moments though, just didn't seem to have a sense of direction. Or it did a poor job of melding the 3 acts together. And there wasn't anything that made the plot all that unique or stand out. I give this movie a 6.5 because I liked the group of friends in this. And I guess it's unfair to review a movie for this reason, but the main lead protagonist was just so relatable to me.

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